Ignite Your Startup Vision

Do you have a groundbreaking idea and want to change the world? Join Elev X! Ignite, and together, we’ll transform your vision into a reality.
Our intensive 6- to 9-month program is designed for passionate entrepreneurs in the ideation or prototyping phase, like you. We provide the guidance, support, tools, and resources you need to validate your concept, develop a compelling Minimum Viable Product (MVP), verify Proof-of-Concept (POC), engage paying customers, secure seed funding, and thrive in today’s competitive startup landscape.

Program Timeline

Application & Selection

Showcase your idea’s potential by submitting an application, along with all materials. For application information, materials, and deadlines, click here.

Phase 1

Kick off with a virtual “sprint” of intensive research to define your customer-problem fit, while interviewing prospects to uncover insights that will shape your solution. This early stage focuses on strategic guidance, without requiring equity or providing direct funding.

Phase 2

Engage directly with customers and prospects to better understand their needs, validate ideas with prototypes, refine your value proposition, and plan an MVP and POC with those customers in mind.

Phase 3

Dive deeper into MVP development, working closely with your customers to further validate your product’s value and market fit. Begin generating revenue with paying customers, and prepare to scale by building your team and engaging potential investors.


Celebrate your progress and pitch your startup to a panel of industry experts, investors, and potential partners. But, your journey doesn’t end here. NEC X will continue supporting your success and growth after graduation.

Why Elev X! Ignite?

Industry-Leading Mentorship

Gain invaluable guidance from a network of successful entrepreneurs, tech experts, investors, and industry veterans.

MVP Development Expertise

Work shoulder-to-shoulder with NEC X engineers to create user-centric products that exceed expectations.

Customer Discovery

Actively engage with potential customers to uncover their needs, tailoring your approach to ensure market alignment.

Customer Validation

Conduct in-depth market research and testing to refine your concept and ensure the strongest product-market fit.

Network & Partnerships

Open doors to potential investors, partners, and customers through our extensive network.

Funding to Grow

Access up to $200K in equity funding in addition to support services and in-kind investments, customized for your growth phase.

Manny Cerniglia Headshot - color_vert

Manny Cergnilia

Co-Founder & CEO

Throughout the program we learned a lot — from customer discovery, to defining our market, building a compelling business plan, and falling in love with the problem that we were solving, and most importantly, delivering on our MVP.

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Nipun Kumar


The program structure – with pre customer discovery, customer discovery, and validation – helped me to think about how I could find a product that would be extremely profitable and business worthy.

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Laura Khoudari-Rico

Batch 10 Participant: Editor, Consumer Goods, Clikr

This program is the best of the best you will ever have access to. If you have an idea, please don’t doubt it apply to this program. You will never regret it.

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Tiffany Walling McGarity Headshot - BW

Tiffany Walling McGarity


Among the many valuable offerings, one of the best experiences with NEC X has been the deeply collaborative and educational nature of our partnership. Their team went beyond typical advisory roles, actively engaging in hands-on sessions that guided us through complex integrations and scaling our technology. This process was complemented by a series of expert-led classes and access to a wider network of industry advisors, which broadened our understanding and approach. This comprehensive support has not only refined our product but has also significantly advanced our team’s capabilities and strategic outlook.

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Archita Mandal

Founder & CEO

Being a part of the Elev X Ignite cohort is like having a co-founder who helps with take off.

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Jeniffer Walling

VP of Sales & Marketing

Our Elev X! experience as a Batch 11Ignite participants provided us with a clear path forward with clarity and roadmap. The opportunity to compare, share and learn from the other founder in our cohort was so valuable along with access to mentors that can clearly guide our path.

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Elev X! Success

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Frequently Asked Questions

How does Elev X! Ignite differentiate from NEC X's other accelerator programs?
This 6-9 month program provides early-stage founders with close collaboration focusing on customer discovery and validation, in addition to funding and NEC’s robust support resources. By the end of the program, our graduates transform their visions into seed-ready startups.
Who is the ideal candidate, and what criteria are you looking for?

Elev X! Ignite is ideal for founders in the ideation or prototyping phases. We are always seeking committed entrepreneurs whose innovations synergize with NEC’s technologies, with a clear vision and the potential for substantial market impact.

For series-A-ready startups, check out Elev X! Boost.

What can I expect after completing the program?
Upon completing the program, participants will have validated a problem-solution fit and solution-product fit with a refined business model, a strong team, and scalable solutions, positioning them to generate recurring revenue and engage paying investors.

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